Green fodder 365 days a year
Green fodder all year round
Green fodder is an inseparable part of the diet of all herbivores and omnivores. Have it available every day of the year, regardless of weather, climate or temperature fluctuations.
How does the germination cycle of green fodder work?
The germination cycle of the plant lasts exactly 7 days. From sowing to harvest. On the seventh day, the fodder contains the most nutrients and is ready to be fed.
Day 1. – 3.
The grain is watered with oxygenated water, optimal moisture is maintained and begins to germinate.
Day 3. – 5.
The grain is regularly irrigated, the roots form and the first shoots are starting to grow.
Day 5. – 7.
The plants grow and the nutrients mature. The fodder is ready to be fed.